Search for Authorised testing/certification bodies

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Marine surveyor and accident investigator for small craft: motor boats, sail boats, yachts and narrow boats. Examiner for Inland Waterways Boat Safety Scheme Certificates.

Mr John Clabburn

European Marine Services Ltd

Registered test labaoratory and expert witness on paints, sealants, adhesives, bitumens, detergents, surficants, inks, rubbers, plastics and packagaing materials. Failures of double glazing units. Skid and slip testing.

Dr C J Chatfield

Chatfield Applied Research Labaoratories Ltd

Furnituture technology and testing centre for supply trade, retailers, domestic and commercial purchasers of furniture. Testing faciltes and involvement in standards development in UK and Europe. Expert inspections of furniture, fixtures and fittings. Dispute resolution and litigation work.

FIRA International Ltd

Glass technologist, chemist and expert in  forensic examination and fracture examination of broken glass  jars, bottles, vases and other food and domestic containers, and in identifying origin or glass fragments in food. Assessment of glass quality. Access to approved tst laboratory.

Mr Marcus Brew

Brew Technology & Training Ltd

Local and global capability for quality assurance and compliance services for a range of products including  Textiles, Footwear, Toys, Nursery Products, Electrical Products, Furniture, Bikes, Premiums and Lighters.
Services include product testing, consultancy, social audits, factory assessment, inspections, ecodesign and training.

Bureau Veritas

Independent consultant  on mechanical testing of children's nursery products, risk assessment of toys, nursery products and other consumer products for US and EU markets. Advice and training on safety and regulatory compliance of consumer products. Auditing of factory manufacturing process and quality systems.

Expert evidence in civil & criminal cases  since 1998 involving a wide range of consumer products (including: toys, children's nursery products and electrical goods).

Mr John Trinci

Consumer Product Safety Advice Ltd