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Textile quality and flammability test technologist, with experience as expert witness in safety of candles and oil/candle burners, and indoor fireworks. Also in-situ testing and type approval of goal posts

Mr Alan Mark Ross

High Street Textile Testing Services Ltd

Clothing flammability consultant and expert witness. On-body flame-testing facilities. Roller boot testing. Chief executive of SATRA

Mr Austin Simmons


Compliance consultant and expert witness on chemical and other hazards in toys and range of household products including food, jewellery, cosmetics, stationery, gifts, decorations, table- and cook-ware

Mr Clive Shelton

Advisor and lecturer on toxicological hazards and compliance issues for cosmetics and household chemical substances. Quality auditor for retail supply chain. Chartered Biologist and Chemist. Registered Toxicologist.

Mr Spencer Needs

SGN Consulting

Multi-expert team of consultants offering regular inspection services and expert witness services for playground equipment, indoor play structures and inflatables for local authorities, and commercial providers such as pubs, restaurants and holiday parks.

The Play Inspection Company Ltd

The Play Inspection Company Ltd

Consultant/expert witness for toys and hardlines with testing facilities and approved certification body. Chartered Chemist

Mr Philip Bullock


Consultant, trainer and expert witness on safety complaince and standards applying to children's clothing. Quality of supply lines, risk assessment, promotional claims, recall procedures, issues with dyes, flamability,mechanical hazards.

Ms Sue Bolton

Expertise and  testing on all types of textiles inlcuding furnishings and apparel fabric. Testing of oven gloves and hot water bottles

Mr Ian Strudwick

Shirley Technologies Ltd