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Experts matched:

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Explosives consultant and expert witness. Firework display accidents. Demolition. Pyrotechinic effects in film, TV and reenactments. Also scuba diving training expertise.

Mr Stephen Miller

Consultants and expert witnesses on hazard assessment of trees in domestic gardens and public parks and spaces

Mr Andrew Sherlock

Barrell Tree Consultancy

Industry consultant and expert witness on control of noise from pop concerts and festvals and compliance with licenced limits

Mr David Trevor-Jones

Vanguardia Consulting

Occupational H&S consultant and former HSE inspector with particular experience of risk assessments and audits for leisure and entertainment faciiltes

Ingrid Siebert

Noise consultant and expert witness with experience of hearing damage assessments and licencing of public entertainment and pop fesitvals

Mr Alan Saunders

Chartered Safety practitioner and expert witness specialising in planning anad managemnt of safety for outdoor events and shows, leisure and farm parks and equestrian establishments

Mr Ray Hipkin